My video review of the debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham discusses the majority of the debate, except for the final question-and-answer portion. It was an important part of that night, and took nearly half of the debate time. To streamline the review, I decided to handle the questions one by one here on the blog, rather than in video form.
Each question was written in by an audience member, and was addressed to either Ken or Bill, who then had two minutes to answer. Then, the other got a one-minute chance to answer that same question. Ken Ham went first, and then they alternated, with a total of sixteen questions in all.
The questions are verbatim, but the answers are not direct quotes (unless stated). I’ll give a paraphrased answer from each debater so you can get a sense
of what they said in their one-to-two minutes. I'll offer further criticisms and comments in red text. Obviously you should watch the full debate yourself before
coming to any conclusions.
Question 1: How does Creationism account for the celestial bodies
moving further and further apart, and what function does that serve in the
“Grand Design”
Ken: Our
Creation scientists observe the universe expanding, as do the traditional
scientists, and the Bible says God stretches out the heavens. This is another example of how observational
science proves Creationism. As to “why”
God did it that way, I can’t answer that, but the Bible says that God made the
heavens for his glory and to tell us how great and powerful he is. And looking at this awesome power
demonstrated by an infinite God makes you feel small, and makes you think about how special we are
that God considers this planet so significant that he created us knowing we
would sin and stepped into history to die for us to forgive us and let us live
Bill: We’re all born with a desire to know the answer to the
question ‘why’. To a Creationist, when
your religion gives you the answer -- when it says "He made the stars also" -- that’s
a satisfying answer to you. You stop
looking for reasons (even though religion is supposed to explain the “why”
while science explains the “how”). You
give up on wanting to know. To me, I’m
driven to learn the truth. (Bill also
challenges Ken in the last few seconds of his time to deliver an example of
something in the Creation model that predicts something that will happen in
nature, once again trying to get him to address his earlier points.)
Question 2: How did the atoms that created the Big Bang get there?
Bill: This
is the mystery that drives us. It’s what
makes us keep looking, keep searching.
When I was young, it was believed the universe was slowing down in its
expansion. Scientists conducted
experiments and took observations to find out the rate of the supposed
deceleration, but they discovered that it is in fact accelerating. And do you know why? No, nobody knows why! This is what drives us to find out! Imagine a student from your local school
who is excited about science and pursues a career in it, and one day discovers the answer to that deep mystery. To us scientists and searchers this is wonderful and compelling and
what makes us get up in the morning -- the Creationist just says, “God did it”
and goes back to sleep.
Ken: I just
want to let you know that there is a book out there that actually tells us
where matter came from, and the very first sentence in that book says “In the
beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”. And really that’s the only thing that makes
sense. Matter can never produce
information. No matter how much energy you put into a stick, it will never create life. The Bible tells us that the
things we see are made from things that are unseen: an infinite creator god. The only thing that makes logical
Question 3: The overwhelming majority of people in the scientific
community have presented valid, physical evidence…to support evolutionary
theory. What evidence, besides the
literal word of the Bible supports Creationism?
Ken: I
often hear that the majority believes there is evidence for evolution, but it’s
not the majority who is the judge of truth.
Just because the majority believes something doesn’t mean it’s true. Observational science supports the biblical
predictions, as I’ve shown before. If
the Bible is right, that we’re all descendants of Adam and Eve, there’s one
race of humans; science has shown that. If the Bible is right
and God made kinds...I talked about that in my presentation. Really that question comes down to, there are
aspects about the past that you can’t scientifically prove because you weren’t
there, but observational science in the present does. Understanding the past is a whole different
Bill: If
anybody makes a discovery that changes the way we view natural law, scientists
embrace that person. That’s the greatest
thing in scientific thought: to be challenged and shown where we’re wrong. You may have misunderstood something in
evolution -- it’s the method by which we add complexity. The energy we get from the sun is used to
make life-forms more complex. (That last point was to Ken’s claim in his
previous answer that matter can’t create complexity.)
Question 4: How did consciousness come from matter?
Bill: Don’t
know. Another great mystery. The joy of discovery drives us to find these things out. We don’t know where consciousness comes form,
but we want to learn. I challenge the
young people to investigate that question, and I remind the taxpayers and voters that if we do not embrace the
process of mainstream science, we will fall behind economically as a nation.
Ken: I just
want to let you know that there is a book out there that does document where
consciousness came from. In that book,
it says that the one who made us breathed into man and made him a living being. That’s where consciousness came from: God
gave it to us. I have a mystery, Bill: you talk about the joy of discovery, but you
say that when you die, it’s all over. And if
you believe that, then what’s the point of being alive and making discoveries in the
first place? I love the joy of
discovery because this is God’s creation and I want to find out more about
it for man’s good and for God’s glory.
(There's nothing really to do here. Bill is showing why we use science, and Ken is saying "God Did It!" You can't convince these people.)
Question 5: What, if anything, would ever change your mind?
Ken: I’m a
Christian. I can’t prove it to you, but
God has shown me himself through his Word and the person of Jesus Christ. I admit that’s where I start from. I challenge people to go and test that, you
can make predictions based on that, you can check the prophesies in the Bible. I can’t prove it to you, all I can say to
someone is, if the Bible really is what it claims to be: then check it
out. The Bible says if you come to God
he will reveal himself to you, and as Christians, you can say we know. So as far as the word of god is concerned,
no. No one's ever gonna convince me that
the word of God is not true. We build
models based on the Bible and they’re not subject to change. The facts can’t be disputed; only the methods by
which those facts occur can be disputed because we
observe in the current world and can’t observe in the past. (Ken then asks Bill
to answer this question, as if he’s forgotten that they’ve been doing that for
the last four questions. It’s a telling
bit that reveals further illustrates how much he wants to get the topic off of
his unquestionable faith. I encourage
you to watch him answer this question.
From the very beginning you can tell he is uncomfortable and having a hard time figuring out how to answer. I think it’s because he knows
his answer is close-minded and groundless: No, nothing will change my mind
because I really believe in Jesus and don’t make me think about it, next
Bill: One
piece of evidence. Show me one out-of-place fossil (such as a
rabbit in the Precambrian, as Haldane said) or evidence that the
stars appear to be far away but they’re not.
We would need evidence that you can somehow reset
atomic clocks and keep protons from becoming neutrons. Bring on any of those things and you would
change my mind immediately. (Once more,
Bill challenges Ken:) What can you prove?
You’ve spent your time coming up with explanations about the past. What can you predict and prove in a
conventional sense?
Question 6: Outside of radiometric methods, what
scientific evidence supports your view of the age of the
The age of stars I guess? Radiometric
dating is pretty compelling. There were
attempts in the past to try to find how the earth could be old enough for
evolution to have taken place. Then
radioactivity was discovered. This
question to me is akin to saying, “if things were any other way, things would
be different”. Radiometric dating works,
protons become neutrons, and that’s our level of understanding today. These are provable facts. The idea that there was a flood four thousand
years ago is not provable and I think that there is ample evidence that disproves it. And Ken, you haven’t addressed my point about
how the various skulls support evolutionary theory. (Bill was cut off there at the end for time,
but I think that like the last question was Ken’s stumbling block, this one
was Bill’s. He seemed to have a hard
time answering the question, and like Ken did, at the end he tried to divert
the topic away. Of course, Bill was stating provable
fact and when you’re doing that it’s hard to keep from just doing that. But I think
he could have answered the question better with the fact that we use a variety
of dating methods that
all support one another. When you
have different sources pointing to the same relative time-frame, it makes a more
convincing argument.)
There was no earth rock dated to get the date of 4.5 billion years. People think that, but they actually dated
meteorites and because they assumed they were the same age as the earth left
over from the formation of the solar system, that’s where that date comes from. Look at my slide again as proof.
There’s no dating method that proves young or old. (Ken is engaging in misinformation here to make it seem like scientists don't check these things constantly. Is it reasonable to think that no earth rock has ever been dated, or that it would be difficult to just go out and do so? What Ken is disingenuously alluding to is that the oldest rocks we've ever found came from meteorites that are 4.54 billion years old. Earth rock has been dated to 4.47 billion years -- so yeah, 4.5 billion, Ken)
Question 7: Can you reconcile the change in the rate
at which the continents are now drifting verses the rate at which they must
have traveled 6K years ago to reach where they are now?
This again illustrates what I’m talking about with regards to observational
science vs historical science. I’m not
an expert here, but we have Creationists with PhD's and they’ve written papers
on this stuff. If you look at the plates
today and you assume that the rate
has always been that way, that’s an assumption and you can’t prove that. That’s historical science. We would believe in “catastrophic plate tectonics”
as a result of the Flood and what we’re seeing now is a remnant of that
catastrophic movement. (And this is a
direct quote:) “We do not deny the movement, we do not deny the plates; what we
would deny is that you can use what you see today as a basis for just
extrapolating into the past.” (I’ve made
a video that shows Ken Ham in his own words stating that, on the one hand
you can’t assume laws worked in the past as they do today, and on the other
hand God created the laws to be unchanging and that gave us the basis for
doing science, and the writings from Creation scientists further proves this.)
One of the reasons we think that the continents are drifting apart is sea floor
spreading in the mid-Atlantic: the earth’s magnetic field has reversed over the millenia, and as it does it leaves a signature in the rocks as the continental
plates drift apart, and so you can measure the speed – that’s how we real
scientists do things.
Question 8: Favorite color?
Green. It’s an irony that green plants
reflect green light. Most of the light
from the sun is green and yet they reflect it, it’s a mystery. Science is cool!
(points to his shirt) Observational science: blue.
(Time for some comedic relief, I suppose. I found it telling that even though it was a lame question, Bill used it to continue his point about how science fosters our curiosity.)
Question 9: How do you balance the theory of
evolution with the second law of thermodynamics, and what is that exactly?
It’s basically where energy decays to heat.
The fundamental flaw in this question is that the earth is not a closed
system, it’s powered by the sun. It’s
that energy that drives living things.
You can have all the energy you want, but energy or matter will never produce
life. God imposed information and a language system and that’s how we have
life. Before man sinned, there was decay
such as in digestion, but after the Fall things are running down and God
doesn’t hold everything together as he did back then. (Ken answered this scientifically-based question with complete religion-infused non-answers. He explained entropy by saying God doesn't keep everything working like it used to! That's like saying objects float in space because God isn't pushing them down. Mind-numbing!)
Question 10: Hypothetically, if evidence existed that
caused you to admit that the earth is older than 10,000 years and that creation
did not occur over six days, would you still believe in God, and the historical
Jesus, and that Jesus was the son of God?
I’ve been emphasizing all night: you cannot ever prove the age of the earth
using science in the present, so there is no hypothetical. We can make assumptions but you can’t
ultimately prove the age of the universe.
You can see there are methods that contradict the billions of years, and
as the creation scientists said in my video earlier, there’s nothing in science that
contradicts a young earth. I’ve said it
before and I’ll say it again, the reason I believe this is because of the
Bible’s account of origins. There is no
hypothetical, bottom line. (Ken might as well have had his fingers in his ears and going "nana-nana-na no it's not no it's not nana-nana-na I can't hear you!")
You can prove the age of the earth with great robustness by using the universe
around us. Ken wants us to take his word
for it that his interpretation of an ancient book is more compelling than what you and I
can observe around us today with our own eyes. Ken, you asserted that life can’t come from non-life – are you sure? Are you sure enough to say that we shouldn’t
look for life on other planets, that it’s a waste? One again, what can you predict, what can you
tell us about the future, not just your ideas about the past?
Question 11: Is there room for God in science?
Billions of people embrace science and are religious. Everyone has a cell phone, uses medicine, and
befits from agriculture.
So if you reconcile those two things, that’s not really connected to your
belief in a higher power. I see it as a
separate point, and I see no incompatibility between religion and science for
each person. The problem I have is that
Ken wants us to take his religious word for it in place of what we can observe
on our own. (Here, Bill tried to stay away from theology. While it's true that one can believe in both God and science, the idea of theism isn't scientific. But Bill didn't need to go into all of that, and did a good job of keeping on the real point: Ken just says the bible is true, even when it is contradicted by things any person could see.)
I think God is necessary for science. We
love science here at Answers In Genesis.
You talked about cell phones and satellites and technology, I agree –
those are things that can be done in the present with observational science. In order to do science you have to assume the
uniform laws of nature and logic, and where does that come from if the universe
is here by natural processes? The bible
and science go hand-in-hand, but inventing things is very different from
talking about our origins.
Question 12: Do you believe the entire Bible should
be taken literally?
I would need to know what that person meant by literally. If you meant “naturally”, then yes. If it’s history, as Genesis is, you take it
as history. If it’s poetry, as in the
Psalms, you take it as poetry. You take
what is written in the context that it is written in and let it speak to you. The bible says that all scriptures are
inspired by god. You have to take the
bible as a whole. If it’s really the
word of god, then there’s not going to be any contradictions, which there’s
not. And Jesus said marriage is between
one man and one woman. (Ken has a Clinton-esque "what is is" moment with this one. He, like many others, take literally what they want, and things they don't agree with are figurative.)
Bill: When the facts contradict the things you take as literal
interpretations, and then you want me to take other parts of your bible as
literal, it's unsettling.
Question 13: Have you ever believed that evolution
was accomplished via a higher power? [Literally: Have you ever believed that evolution partook through evolution?]
Intelligent design has a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of
nature. Nature is bottom up design, not
top down. If you found a watch on a
beach, you’d recognize it was designed.
But that’s not how nature works. Nature
has its mediocre designs eaten by its good designs, and the perception that there’s
a designer isn’t needed because we have model that makes predictions and
repeatable, testable claims.
Bill needs to show some new function that arose that was not previously
possible from the genetic information that was already there. There’s no new information or function that
can be added to a kind via evolution, and there is no example that you can give that shows
Question 14: Name one institution, business, or
organization (other than a church, amusement park, or the Creation museum) that is
using any aspect of Creationism to produce its product.
Any scientist that is using the scientific method is using Creation! They’re borrowing from a Christian worldview. Because, in a naturally arising universe
there can’t be logic and you couldn’t trust the laws of nature. A lot of scientists in the past were
Creationists. And if we don’t teach our
children about this, they’re not going to be innovative or come up with inventions
to advance our culture. (Ad hoc arguments, appeals to authority, and general misunderstanding of real science from Ken here. I find it hilarious that he claims we couldn't trust the laws of nature in a natural system. That's precisely why they're the laws of nature! And if they changed all the time, they wouldn't be laws -- which are descriptive, not proscriptive, Ken.)
The reason I don’t accept the Creation
model is because it has no predictive quality.
Many people are religious, but not all of them share the same religious
views as you do. What happens to those
people? Are they doomed? (Oh Bill, don't get into grade-school theology here. Stick to holding him accountable for claiming books trump eyes.)
Question 15: Since evolution teaches that man is
growing smarter over time, how can you explain the numerous evidences of man’s
high intelligence in the past?
Evolution doesn’t say we’re getting smarter.
Survival of the fittest doesn’t mean those who are the most physically
strong or the smartest will survive. It means
those that fit into the environment the best. Sure, our
capacity to reason has taken us to where we are now, but if the right germ
shows up, we can be taken out. It has nothing to do with smarts.
I remember one of my professors at university was going to give us an example
of evolution, and he showed us cave fish that are blind. He said, 'look these fish have evolved not to
see. They’re evolving because those who
are living in this dark cave had ancestors who had eyes and now these ones
don’t', and I said, 'but now they can’t do something that they could do
before!' They might have an advantage in
this dark cave now, but it could be that those who had eyes got a disease and
died out and those with a mutation to have no eyes survived. (Direct quote:) "It’s not survival of the fittest; it’s
survival of those who survive." You’re
not getting new information or new function.
Question 16: What is the one thing, more than
anything else, upon which you base your belief?
The bible. It’s the most unique book out
there. There’s no other religious book
that talks about an infinite God, the origin of the universe, the origin of
matter, the origin of light, the origin of darkness, the origin of day and
night, the origin of the earth, the origin of dry land, the origin of plants,
the origin of the sun/moon/stars, the origin of sea creatures, the origin of
flying creatures, the origin of land creatures, the origin of man, the origin
of woman, the origin of death, the origin of sin, the origin of marriage, the
origin of different languages, the origin of clothing, the origin of different
nations – it’s a very specific book with a detailed account of history. And if that history is true and so is the
rest of the book, then that means man is a sinner, and he needs the saving power of Jesus Christ who died for you so that you can live forever with God. If this book is true -- and has no contradictions, which it doesn't -- it should explain what
we see in the world today. There was a
global flood; yes, we see fossils. There
was the Tower of Babel; yes, we have different languages
around the world, and they have flood legends and creation legends very similar
to the Bible. There’s prophecy you can
look at as well. The bible says, if you
seek God, you’ll find him.
Science. I base my belief on the
information and the process that we call science. It fills me with joy to make discoveries, and
to know that we can even ask the questions and pursue the answers. It’s astonishing to think that we are one of
the ways for the universe to know itself.
We are created from the universe, it’s in all of us. And we want to know if we are alone in the universe. It’s the process of science that will help us
find this another other things out. If we abandon all
that we’ve learned through science, if we stop using it and stop looking for the
answers, we as a nation will be out-competed by other countries. We have to keep science education in science
So that was the other half of the debate. It was very telling and reveled the positions of both sides a little better than their illustrated presentations were. Here are some of my final thoughts:
- Bill said a lot by his facial expressions during the times Ken was answering questions. Bill kept things very formal, and did a good job of sticking on point, only getting off into the you-can't-be-serious-how-is-your-religion-true avenues once or twice. But you could see on his face at times, he wanted to. You could see him saying to himself, "oh really?" and "you've got to be kidding me!"
- You could tell Bill Nye doesn't debate these people often. He had questions that were rudimentary and didn't use answers that are generally presented, some of which I pointed out in my comments.
- Creationism is a thought process that is “almost there”. Creationists agree that science works…but you can’t make assumptions that things worked in the past just because the do today. And they agree that evolution happens…just not enough to make one thing so different from it’s "kind" that it becomes something distinct. And that the genes for a life-form to have incredible complexity are all already within it, apparently eschewing the mechanism of mutation.
See other Creationist questions from the audience here.
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